[slow the spread] july 2020

Sensible social distancing for our return to public spaces.

There is still so much uncertainty about flattening the curve and slowing the spread of COVID19.  What I do know is that we certainly should have invested in acrylic!   I'm sure you've read all kinds of studies about what the new normal will be.  Of course, these are very educated guesses, but we won't really know until we're there.  The designer has a lot of say about how we move forward.  End users are looking to you for recommendations.  Be sure you're armed with multiple scenarios.  Some of my manufacturers are focusing on longer term aesthetic solutions, others are assuming this will be temporary.  It likely depends on the use of the space.


(I've been working on my social media presence, so take a look at that, too! https://www.facebook.com/ampersandnw)


Focusing more on the design of the seating to guide users on how closely to sit.

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Bending the rail for users to face multiple directions, rather than face-to-face.

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Assessing high and low use areas to create messaging of how cautious users should be.  Including portable screens and temporary stickers so facilities can continue to be nimble while navigating their needs.  Check out this video.

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Bringing traditionally healthcare pieces into corporate spaces for infection control.

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Looking forward to seeing you soon in person!

Let me know if you would like to meet up at my showroom to see some great products and maybe have a snack or a drink.

Stay well and enjoy this start to summer!